Memories are Photographs taken by the Heart❤️
I am always ALWAYS taking pictures. One of my dear friends said one time "You won't have memories if you don't take pictures" and that is so true! I try to capture all that i can so that I can always remember them. I read an article the other day about how pictures can be deceiving to others, especially on social media. Which is so true. Ever since I read that article it got me thinking about what's behind the pictures that I take. This picture was from Easter 2014,
It was mid-divorce, but I bet you couldn't tell just by looking at the picture. We look like a happy, little family, but we weren't. What I remember from this picture was not wanting a family picture, just wanting a picture with Owen & the Easter Bunny, (I even told the lady that) I remember all the fighting on the way home that day, And I remember Bradley & I going seperate ways as soon as we got home where we wouldn't have to be around each other. Although this was one of the saddest moments of my life, This was one of the best pictures we have ever captured, and now looking back I wish I would of took the perfect looking picture as a sign from God to work on our marriage instead of working on my divorce papers.

The next picture is from Easter 2015,
A whole year later! This picture also shows a happy family. And indeed that's what we are. No fake smiles from us and no miserable souls. What I remember from this picture is getting ready, putting a lot of effort into our clothes and praying that the photographer still offered the family picture. Which they did! Praise God!! I also remember Owen being so fussy after it because he didn't get to ride the green tractor toy (although he rode a train & got a cookie.)
I am thankful for pictures and for all the memories that we have made, both the good and the bad. There won't always be good days, matter of fact the Devil was working on Bradley & I on the day of this picture, but we are strong and know that with God we can defeat the Devil. We have learned through this process that we are a team and that we both must work together WITH God and if we have him in the center of us then we are inseparable. I thank God everyday for Bradley and our second chance, and I am glad I get to make all these memories with him.

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